StoryBrand Convo - Part I
Click this link to listen to our 2/26/21 conversation:
Matte Refic and I are both on a mission to crack business codes, and get our works out into the world. We are reading many great books on growing a business. Subjects include: copywriting, click funnels, marketing, and more... Every Friday we have a standing call time to swap information and knowledge we've discovered.
Matte and I are both artists, students of the Magic, the art of co-creation and Life itself. In over 15 years of knowing him, these have been our consistent practices. I consider Matte a master of many things - most notably 'Shadow Work'. I don't think there is a person on the planet who knows more about this work than he does. I would also add that this is of deep importance - as humanity is currently being forced to clear out their internal basements.
It's imperative that we light workers unite, share information, and help each other get our works out into the world. The way I see it is this: if Matte and my's conversations can serve, then it's our duty to share it.
Hope this brings you some inspiration on your empire building journey!
Much Love,
Ïtza B.
Cover art by the great talent Andy Gilmore @a__gilmore