Chakra Upgrade
The Human energetic system is changing - as are the size and colors of its centers. Our bodies are presently undergoing an upgrade that is being transferred to us through light. This makes it an important time to be out in the sun, especially 12/20 and 12/21 - even at night (for astrological reasons).
The color frequencies and qualities are also shifting to lighter, more pastel colors. I haven’t fully pieced together the new color system - all I know is that the 4th dimensional human body is lighter and more refined. The centers themselves also seem to be growing larger.
As I understand it, we are also gaining an entirely new center in the thymus - as well as thefull integration of the Earth chakra and Star chakra.
We have many more, higher-dimensional chakra centers that reach out far into space - but these mentioned are becoming more and more accessible for us to work with in our waking states.
