Where is 'Galactic Center' in Your Chart?
"The Galactic Center or Galactic Core is a very powerful point in any astrology chart. In Tropical Astrology it’s located at 26 degrees 51 minutes in the year 2000 and epoch. Around 3 degrees Sideral. The G.C. is the Gigantic Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy which scientists are finding more and more about. It is located around 25,800 light-years from Earth. It takes the Sun roughly 240 million years to revolve around the Galactic Center once.

The G.C. is the Great Cosmic Void/ Cosmic Womb or Cosmic Uterus of our Milky Way Galaxy. The ancient Maya believed that the G.C. is where all souls enter and exit our Galaxy. It is easy to see, it's the dark rift at the center of the Milky Way arch of stars. The Ancient Egyptians saw the Milky Way personified as the Goddess Nuit/Nut/ Neith she is painted on the ceiling of a Tomb in the Valley of Kings. They intuited that Souls were birthed through the Cosmic Womb of the Goddess.
The G.C. is a powerful source of cosmic wisdom. Because the Galactic Centre is so vast, people who have planets conjunct to it within 2 degrees 24–29 degrees Sagittarius get a direct contact to download bits of cosmic info intuitively. They gravitate to others who also share natal contacts or transiting contacts to this point. Those with G.C. contacts need to put the big picture pieces of the puzzle together. All you have to do is tune into it.
Sagittarius is the sign of the Mystic, philosopher, the one whose arrows are always pointed up at the Milky Way. Sagittarius is considered to be a most spiritual sign because the G.C. is the origin of this Galaxy. The Earth is always in the sign of Gemini relative to the G.C. Gemini is an Air sign of consciousness, complementary opposites, ideas, communication and the sign of the enquiring open mind of a three-year-old.
In Astrology conjunctions to the G.C. are the most powerful. I have Mercury conjunct the Galactic Center and have always felt this connection to the Big Picture, asking philosophical questions about the meaning of life from a very young age and I do feel the vast presence of the consciousness of that Black Hole as a professional psychic too. Transits to the G.C. also trigger big cosmic insightful times in our lives. Pluto was just on the G.C. in late 2007–2008.
The expert on the Galactic Center is astrologer Philip Sedgewick, he is a wonderful writer and has very spiritual insights into the G.C. he is a screenwriter and works with Astronomers and gets to name new exo-planets even. Check out where those degrees are in your chart."
- Tara Greene