Matrix Astrology
The following is the sequence of educational events that led to my better inner-standing of Astrology:
It begins when I not-so-randomly discover Ola Wolny's videos on Youtube
How Astrology is a matrix program
I LOVE Aeon Byte, however the sometimes long intros can be skipped over. The first two are about the matrix astrology, and the part 3 is a REALLY fascinating take on true feminine alchemy. Ladies, you're going to want to hear this!
This is the video I watched where she went through a guy's chart:
This is the site she recommends to see the stars in the sky at the time of your birth:
Ola’s website to book sessions. I haven't, but thought I'd include it.
Then we get into 'TRUE' SIDEREAL...
This site is an awesome source for your true astrology... and it's free!
True Sidereal Chart Calculator:
Why True Sidereal? This page explains it:

Cosmic Human Design & Gene Keys
This site calculates your Human Design and Gene Keys based on true sidereal, it's a little glitchy, but awesome none the less. Be sure to convert your UTC time and be aware that if you were born late at night the date may change to the following day.
Human Design & Gene Keys based on Your True Sidereal:
To follow the creator of Cosmic Human Design and hear more about the whos and the whys, check out his videos on youtube:
A video where a woman explains the exact 'true' calculation on another app: