The Costless Miracle
In short, the sale of miracles is strictly prohibited by the All That Is in accordance with the Prime Directive. Monetary exchange for divine intervention goes against the interest of who and what is actualizing them from the other side of the veil—meaning the energetic plane that is all around us but invisible to nearly all incarnated.
Due to the fact that miracles are energetic, they do not operate by the same laws as our physical world. Money can certainly buy you relief and healing to a point—but it is not possible to trade Earth currency for direct divine intervention. Divinity does not operate in dollars or bitcoin—nor does it pander to flattery—but is birthed through one’s thoughts of preemptive gratitude, appreciation, and knowing.
Miracles originate from a non-physical location. They are granted through long-term merit and for the necessity of the bigger picture to unfold with grace. The game algorithm assesses one’s overall need and/or desire at the given now—but your ability to receive a miracle is additionally rooted in your belief in the possibility for it to occur. It’s a two-way transmission. It is also possible for a surrogate (sometimes called healers) with enough presence and knowing to request and transmit the miracle on your behalf.
Humans who perform true miracles will and could never accept your money or donation without the risk of loss to their direct connection to the celestial aids. In the rare cases that they do, money is considered a hot potato to be given away immediately without premeditation and preferably with anonymity. You see, it’s not the ‘healer’s’ energy that’s being transferred to the patient or person in need—they are only the antenna—having agreed to be an on-the-ground connection from the divine to the material plane.
Based on this fact, I am deducting that money can only ethically be charged when it’s your own energy being applied. However, the energy that you have access to alone is not necessarily enough to shift this intense density in a quick and lasting way. If attempted alone and pulled from your current energy reserves, a miracle might severely deplete you, or in rare cases, even cost one his or her life. This is why miracles draw upon higher states and frequencies for assistance—and to be blunt: the higher-ups have no interest in assisting one’s ego or lower self-serving desires.
As a healer, I’m not suggesting you can’t or shouldn’t charge for your services. That would be ridiculous—we all need to eat, thrive, and deserve to live beautiful lives. You simply cannot create miracles for money. You can help, be of assistance, ease some of the suffering—yet more beneficial would be to empower others to heal themselves through education. How, you might ask, do these supposed miracle workers survive without an income? Most have committed themselves and devoted their lives completely for divine use—and the result is they are always taken care of. Others may receive money through another domain, investment, or funnel—but keeping them separate is crucial, and the two offerings must not overlap.
Good news: you have your own direct connection to the divine, and they are always listening, whether you’re aware or not—this includes thoughts, as well as the more obvious word and action.
If you’d like to contact your local energies for a much-needed miracle, I suggest that you close your eyes and use your imagination to state your case. Outline your request and share why this miracle is important for you, your mission, and if/how it will serve others. Please note that when a miracle is only of benefit to you or a small group, you can expect longer wait times. Miracles with benevolent and far-reaching ripple effects are generally prioritized.
You may be asking how some of the most wealthy, selfish, narcissistic, power-hungry people on Earth seem to get everything they want. Their version of the miracle came from deals with demons from lower astral planes. They too have collective energy that can be transmitted through to a human, but it will always come at a price, and the karmic interest may be so high that you are kept looping lifetime after lifetime, eternally unable to pay off your debt. Because it was a trap to begin with, and now you are beholden to the lower Earth.
You cannot be tricked into making this deal, but it may be that your heart didn’t show up to the meeting or wasn’t allowed in the room, and instead, it was your mask making the deal. There is always a way out of such a predicament, and it will require an internal strength to see through the illusion—to release the lower self and choose to operate from the High Self. From the truth of who you are, with your heart present, you are free to rescind, revoke, and rebuke the previous contract—learning from the mishap and replacing it with a renewed and love/service-based promise that you now uphold.